Although lasers are a well established for decades in the medical arena generally and in ophthalmology in particular, ongoing clinical research activities continuously unlocking new fields of treatment. Cataract for instance has been treated traditionally by ultrasonic. After getting access to the inner part of the eye, the cloudy lens, typical characteristic of the grey star, will be grinded and removed by means of ultrasonic techniques. Unwanted side effects initiated by the relatively high energy input could potentially damage the cornea or cause edema. New kinds of laser therapy working with the identical goal of lens removal, but require significantly less energy and thus enable a rather gentle and faster recovery of the patient. Other common applications are glaucoma treatment by reducing the intraocular pressure through lasers or coagulation processes in conjunction with retina diseases.
Our multimode laser diode family with wavelengths of 808nm, 9xxnm and 1064nm, are the right tools for ophthalmologic instrument developer, to turn its performance into therapy improvements.Its outstanding wall-plug efficiency and cw power of up to 18W per single emitter diode, make them ideally suited for hand-held devices usually operated in battery mode.
Moreover the small form factor in combination with enhanced device functionality like beam shaping (fast and slow axis collimation optics already fully integrated inside the laser diode component – CDL package) delivers what innovative clinical research is looking for.
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